Zhang Dongdong Apps

王羲之書法字典 6.3
The dictionary put into the phone, so you instantly fall in lovewith calligraphy!
怀素草书字典 1.0
1. 使用时无需联网,不耗流量,下载即用!2. 收录怀素草书帖17通,高清字体图片4601张,不重复单字3446个。3. 支持一次查询多个汉字。4. 支持繁体/异体字查询。5. 支持一简对多繁查询,比如查询“发”字,将同时显示“發”和“髪”的草字。6. 注意,本字典只收录怀素或者疑似怀素的作品,并不包含所有汉字,如果遇到查询不到的汉字,属于正常现象,而非本应用的缺陷。7. 收录碑帖详情:大草千字文小草千字文秋兴诗八首律公帖藏真帖贫道帖论书帖苦笋帖食鱼帖圣母帖自叙帖客舍帖高坐帖冬熟帖过钟帖醉僧帖桑林帖1. Use withoutnetworking, does not consume traffic, download ready to use!2. Huai Su cursive signatures collected 17 pass, high-definitionpicture fonts 4601, word 3446 is not repeated.3. Support a query multiple characters.4. Support Traditional / Chinese word queries.5. Support a simple query for more complicated, such as the query"fat", which will also show "fat" and "Fa" in cursive.6. Note that this includes only dictionary or suspected Huai Huaiworks, does not contain all characters, if they can not find thecharacter, is a normal phenomenon, rather than defects in thisapplication.7. Collect rubbings details:Large grass ThousandGrass ThousandQiu Xing poem eightLaw public postsPossession of real postsPindao postsOn signaturesKusun postsPiscivorous postsNotre Dame postsAutobiographyGuest houses PostsGaozuo postsWinter cooked postsGuo Zhong postsDrunk Monk postsSamrin posts
欧阳询-九成宫碑 1.0
基本功能:1 支持临摹,可选字临写,也可随意涂鸦,书写效果一流!2 支持碑帖所有页面浏览,可快速选择要查看的页面。3 支持所有单字浏览和查询,想看哪个字,瞬间定位。4 支持碑文及释文的查看。背临的好帮手!5 支持临摹图片的保存。保存后可直接在相册查看。更多功能,敬请体验!版本选择:本应用选择世人公认的最善本--驸马李祺本。全套页面48张,单字1108个。尽收其中,一个不漏!Basic functions:1. Support copying, optional Word Pro write, can also be free ofgraffiti writing class results!2 supports rubbings of all page views, you can quickly select thepage you want to view.3 supports all words browsing and querying, which want to see theword, and instantly locate.4 supports the interpretation of the text of the inscription andviewing. Pro back a good helper!5 Support save copy of the picture. After saving directly in albumview.More features, please experience!Selection:The application selection of the world's most recognized rare -consort Li Qi present. A full page 48, word 1108. Collect all ofthem, left out!
书谱字典 1.0
孙过庭《书谱》是草书之瑰宝,唐以后习草者无不临习此贴。选帖:台北故宫博物院藏本。收录详情:字体图片3486张。不重复单字1016个。功能支持按图片和文字浏览。支持按文字查询。Sun Guoting"bookspectrum" is the gem of cursive Tang grass after learning whoallclinical learning Citie.Elected posts:The Palace Museum in Taipei.Included details:Font picture 3486.1016 does not repeat words.FunctionSupport Browse by pictures and text.Support by text query.
Cursive Dictionary 6.4
The Chinese Calligraphy, Cursive dictionary.
王羲之蘭亭序 1.9
王羲之是中國書法史上的最高峰,後世稱其為書聖,而蘭亭序又是王羲之最得意的作品,有天下第一行書的美譽,今選取蘭亭序傳世摹本中的最佳本-馮承素臨本做成應用,以饗各位書法愛好者。 主要功能: 1. 碑帖瀏覽功能。 2. 單字瀏覽功能。 3. 臨摹功能。 4. 集字功能。另有書籤,收藏夾,歷史記錄的輔助功能。
歐陽詢-九成宮碑 1.4
The very regular script, Jesus Christ law process.
Chinese Calligraphy 1.7
1. Support five styles: Regular script, Running script, Sealscript,Cursive script and Clerical script. 2. 50000+ calligraphyimages. 3.Thumbnail and full-screen image view. 4. Save yourfavorite image toyour devices. 5. Chinese Calligraphy exhibition.6. 5000+ videotutorials for Calligraphy. 7. Convert betweenSimplify Chinese andTraditional Chinese. 8. Artistic signatureusing ChineseCalligraphy. 9. Calligraphy forum.
顏真卿-多寶塔碑 1.4
多宝塔碑 的全称《大唐西京千福寺多宝塔感应碑文》。 是唐代的书法家颜真卿在天宝十一年(公元752年)写的,反映的是他早期的书法风貌,字体工整细致,结构规范严密,用笔一丝不苟,因而这方碑石也是后人初学楷书最通行的范本。此碑是顏真卿44歲時書,直接二王、歐、虞、褚餘風,而又與唐人寫經有明顯的相似之處。整篇結構嚴密,點畫圓整,秀麗剛勁,雖尚未形成剛勁雄強、沉雄渾厚、大氣磅礴的顏楷風格,但此碑已奠定了顏真卿書風的基本格調,它是留傳下來的顏書中最早的楷書作品,結構平穩端正,嚴謹莊重,是唐代“尚法”的代表碑刻之一,學顏體者多從此碑下手,入其堂奧。
練字 1.7
Anytime, anywhere to enjoy the fun of writing
楷書字典 2.3
收錄了歷代楷書經典碑帖十六篇,包括唐楷、魏碑、墓誌等。比如顏真卿《多寶塔碑》、歐陽詢《九成宮碑》、虞世南《孔子廟堂碑》、褚遂良《雁塔聖教序》,另有《蘇慈墓誌》、《董美人墓誌》、《張玄墓誌》等,并不斷更新中。主要功能:1. 碑帖瀏覽功能。 2. 單字瀏覽功能。 3. 臨摹功能。 4. 集聯功能。  另有書籤,收藏夾,歷史記錄等輔助功能
柳公權-玄秘塔碑 1.5
Seal / seal lovers a good helper